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Science Speaks Laguna

Science Speaks Laguna is one of the expanded chapters of the Science Speaks Organization. The international student-led organization is committed to serving high school and college students valuable information about careers in the STEM field. By mainly providing them opportunities to interact with professionals in the industry, we believe that this will encourage learners to pursue a degree in any branch of Science.

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Official Science Speaks Laguna Board of Directors Announcement

Dec. 18, 2020

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Science Speaks

Past and Upcoming Guest Speakers

Here you will find a list of our past speakers in case you've missed an event, as well as upcoming speakers to watch out for!

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Main Science Speaks

Main Website

Science Speaks Laguna is one of more than ten chapters of the Science Speaks Organization worldwide. Check out our main website for more information about our movement and the projects of the other chapters.

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